Learning to embrace uncertainty – Sophie Le Dorner

Sophie le Dorner
Sophie le Dorner

Today we are learning from Sophie Le Dorne.

Sophie is a passionate learning designer, author, and speaker dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to engagement within corporate environments and educational structures. Through experiential training sessions, she fosters interaction and builds awareness of thinking, feeling, and behavior in relation to learning and change.

Her vision is to ignite a widespread movement for collective learning, cultivating an ecosystem of learner leaders and supporters through interactions. This approach encourages individuals to understand themselves and others more deeply and interact with an agility of mind in all areas of life at work, at home, or at school.

Let’s get started…

In this conversation with Sophie, I learned:

  • She is the Alice of Wonderland in learning.
  • Learning is very much being okay with uncertainty.
  • Learning how to feel about learning.
  • Transfer knowing to feeling.
  • Interact with each other and learn together.
  • Create interaction spaces.
  • Moments of inquiry, moments of interaction, and moments of action – help to learn.
  • How do I bring the courage to act?
  • Learning affects us, changes us, it can make us uncomfortable.
  • Modeling the behavior of being okay with not knowing.
  • Vulnerability brings the learning culture a life.
  • Vulnerability in leadership.
  • If we can be transparent in our shared humanity, this might help towards a better future.
  • Having a shared language connects us.
  • Learn how we learn, how we behave, and how we communicate.
  • The five C’s: are consciousness, connection, curiosity, confidence, and communication.
  • Head, heart, and body; the curiosity of sensing knowledge.
  • We have everything within us.
  • Bridging the gap between the home, work, and school.
  • Being guides of change.
  • Being here to listen, not to control.
  • Being a guide as a leader and being okay with not knowing.

More about Sophie Le Dorne:

Book: The agility of mind – How to turn children in engaged learners

Other resources:

More conversations on education and learning (Dutch):

Video of the conversation with Sophie Le Dorne

Watch here https://youtu.be/SDRLexxYtmM

Door Erno Hannink

Erno is de businesscoach die ondernemers helpt om de lange termijn doelen sneller te realiseren. Ondernemers die het beter willen doen voor de planeet, maatschappij en zichzelf. Met zijn ondersteuning en tips helpt hij je dagelijkse doelen te kiezen zodat je de lange termijn doelen eindelijk gaat realiseren. Test zijn coaching een week lang gratis uit met deze code ERNOHANNINKWEEK op dit platform -> ga naar coach.me. Sluit je aan bij de community van ondernemers die iets bijzonders doen.