She builds bridges for radical collaboration – Elise Buckle

Today, we are learning from Elise Buckle. Elise is a globally recognized climate leader and expert who has been working in the field of climate and sustainability for 24 years. She is President and CEO of Climate Bridges, and Founder of the SHE Builds Bridges for Climate Action network. She has been nominated as International… Lees verder She builds bridges for radical collaboration – Elise Buckle

How everything and everyone is related through understanding – Elif Kuş Saillard

Today, we are learning from Elif Kuş Saillard. Elif, a sociologist and methodologist, is a scientist of “understanding.” With over two decades of expertise in qualitative methodologies and Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS), she founded the NAM Qualitative Research Center in Istanbul in 2013, training many social science researchers globally.  Elif developed the “Meaningful… Lees verder How everything and everyone is related through understanding – Elif Kuş Saillard

Using compassion for more impact – Amy Armstrong

Today, we are learning from Amy Armstrong. Amy is a licensed social worker who coaches leaders in business, education, and at home to master boundaries so they can break free from the anxiety of conflict. Clients learn to negotiate productively and create positive change — no more feeling resentful of challenging situations or controlled by… Lees verder Using compassion for more impact – Amy Armstrong

An invitation to contribute – Isabelle Swiderski

Today, we are learning from Isabelle Swiderski. With over 20 years of experience in design, strategy, storytelling, and education, Isabelle focuses on using design-led approaches to support social and environmental activism and systems change. She runs Seven25, a multidisciplinary consultancy that helps global impact-driven organizations engage their audiences and stakeholders through multimedia storytelling and design… Lees verder An invitation to contribute – Isabelle Swiderski

Dealing with complexity and shaping sustainable transformation – Barbara Holzner

Today, we are learning from Barbara Holzner. Barbara is CEO of iCONDU GmbH and supports companies, municipalities, and organizations with complex challenges such as sustainability and digitalization. As a consultant, she moderates participation and strategy processes and supports her clients with innovative methods for impact-oriented project development and management. As a trainer and facilitator, she… Lees verder Dealing with complexity and shaping sustainable transformation – Barbara Holzner

Met inner development naar detech technologie – Jan Willem de Graaf

Vandaag het gesprek met Jan Willem de Graaf. Jan Willem houdt zich bezig met de vraag hoe wij – individuen, ondernemers en ondernemingen – ons gedrag zo kunnen aanpassen, dat we het nettoresultaat van al onze menselijke activiteit kunnen transformeren van niet volhoudbaar (alleen al onze Nederlandse “materiaalverslaving” vraagt om 3,2 keer onze planeet om… Lees verder Met inner development naar detech technologie – Jan Willem de Graaf

Investeer in je Inner Development voor impact – Maaike van der Velden

Vandaag het gesprek met Maaike van der Velden. Als jij in je kracht staat, dan maak je meer impact! Dat is de overtuiging en drijfveer van Maaike van der Velden om te coachen en trainen. Maaike heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in coaching, organisatie- en teamontwikkeling. Ze heeft voornamelijk gewerkt binnen internationale organisaties die… Lees verder Investeer in je Inner Development voor impact – Maaike van der Velden

Experimenting with inner development in business – Andrea Klepsch

Vandaag het gesprek met Andrea Klepsch. Founder of modem conclusa gmbh, as a pioneer in sustainability consulting and communication; internal and external communication.  Being enthusiastic about sustainable management and ecological-social lifestyles as a creative act in the sense of building, caring for, and honoring is what drives her. Her professional recipe for success consists of… Lees verder Experimenting with inner development in business – Andrea Klepsch