Why he loves to pay taxes – Rand Fishkin


Vandaag het gesprek met Rand Fishkin.

Rand is the cofounder and CEO of SparkToro. He’s dedicated his professional life to helping people do better marketing through his blogging, videos, speaking, and his book, Lost and Founder. 

When Rand’s not working, he’s most likely to be in the company of his partner in marriage and (mostly petty) crime, author Geraldine DeRuiter. If you feed him great pasta or great whisky, he’ll give you the cheat code to rank #1 on Google.

Rand dropped out of the University of Washington in 2000 to work full-time at his mother’s small business marketing firm as a web designer. In 2004, he created the SEOmoz blog, which, over the next decade, became the world’s most popular community and content resource for search marketers. In 2007, Rand became CEO of SEOmoz, Inc (now called Moz), the software company he co-founded with his mom based on the blog’s success.

Rand grew Moz from 7 employees to 134, revenues from $800K to $29.3mm, and traffic from 1 to 30mm annual visitors. He raised two rounds of funding, led three acquisitions, and a rebrand. Rand stepped down as CEO in February of 2014 during a rough bout with depression and left the company 4 years later.

We talked about all this and more and what you as a small business owner can learn from this. Rand shares for example his tips on staying healthy and why he loves to pay taxes.

Enjoy the insights with Rand.

Let’s get started…

More on Rand Fishkin:

Rand’s book: Lost and Founder

Wat ik leerde van Rand

  1. VC is niet het juiste middel, investeringen in je bedrijf helpen je om sneller resultaat te breiken (hier vind je zijn uitleg over de investeringen). Duurzaam.
  2. Jezelf leren kennen, weten waar je goed in bent en niet goed in bent.
  3. Stress voorkomen, slaap, beweging, eten, medicijnen
  4. Bouw een klein lijst en leer alles van je (potentiele klanten), bouw een netwerk, bouw je marketing, bouw je bedrijf. “Build your expertise before you build your network, and build your network before you build your company.”
  5. Bouw sociaal, betaal belastingen, (duurzaam), 
  6. Maak content en bouw een community die past bij de schaal van je bedrijf. Niet te veel content wanneer je een klein aantal klanten nodig hebt, tenzij je het heel leuk vindt net als Rand en ikzelf

Door Erno Hannink

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