Vandaag het gesprek met Alexandra Watkins.
Alexandra is a leading and outspoken authority on brand names. She is the Chief Executive Boss Lady of Eat My Words, a creative agency specializing in love-at-first-sight brand names. Her breakthrough book, Hello, My Name is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick, was named a Top 10 Marketing Book by Inc. Magazine and a Top 10 Branding Book by Branding Journal.
The most important realisation from het boek for me was that the name of my company is not really helping my business. From her book I learned that the right name has a lot of impact on your sales. Now I am working on a new name for my business and my products.
In this conversation with Alexandra we are talking about the effect of all of her traveling over the world on her life. She explains how she started in copywriting. In everything that you read from her pen you see the expertise that she built in the years of copywriting. Her website, e-mails and book are fun to read and I learned the process of finding an awesome name for my business.
First listen to this conversation with Alexandra, and then buy her book to improve the impact of your products.
Enjoy the insights with Alexandra.
Let’s get started…
Boeken die Alexandra noemde:
- The forever transaction – Robbie Kellman Baxter
- The World Travel Planner – boek van haar ouders, Joan en Bob Watkins (ik kon geen link naar het boek vinden)
Hier vind je Alexandra:
- Haar website Eatmywords.com
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrawatkins
- Haar boek: Hello, my name is awsome
- Artikel dat ik eerder over dit boek schreef: https://decideforimpact.com/find-an-awesome-name-for-your-product-alexandra-watkins/