Hold the collective accountable – Laila Martins

Laila Martins Regen Beings
Laila Martins Regen Beings

Today, we are learning from Laila Martins.

Laila is passionate about creating a regenerative and thriving future for everyone, including both humans and the more-than-human world. As the founder of RegenBeings, she helps organizations and networks embrace regenerative practices that lead to real, lasting change. Laila’s work is all about transforming the way organizations operate and encouraging innovation that benefits both people and the planet. She uses the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework to guide organizations toward meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, making environmental progress feel achievable and meaningful.

With a rich background in International Relations, Sustainable Development, and Circular Economy, Laila has led impactful global sustainability projects and helped shape strategies for multinational companies. Her journey has taken her across Brazil, the U.S., and Germany, and she now uses her diverse experiences to design solutions that make a difference both in the Global South and the Global North. Laila’s work focuses on nurturing the regenerative being within each of us, inspiring radical collaboration and life-centered innovation for a more desirable future.

Let’s get started…

In this conversation with Laila Martins, I learned:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 02:55 What is holding us back, is our being.
  • 05:10 The responsibility of Ai experts and the relationship to inner development.
  • 07:45 What do you want your legacy to be?
  • 09:30 The generative conflict with her love for technology.
  • 11:00 Technology is perpetuating a lot of the issues and life on earth as we know it. At the same time Ai can be a solution for identifying solutions for climate change.
  • 12:30 We need Ai to solve the climate issues and in the hands of good people.
  • 17:40 The first prompts in Ai felt like magic came from technology for Laila.
  • 18:35 We need to stop negotiating climate change.
  • 19:20 As a species we are not prepared to handle climate change, allowing ourselves to make selfish decisions.
  • 20:30 Get human sentiment outside of our decision-making process and where technology can help us.
  • 21:35 Practical explanation of the inner development part of the sessions with the Ai experts.
  • 27:25 IDG practices that Laila uses herself.
  • 29:35 This is how organisations and companies work with the being domain.
  • 30:50 We need to forgive the individual and hold the collective accountable.
  • 31:20 Change the culture by changing the behavior as an individual, and enough individuals getting together, but we can’t blame the individual that is not changing.
  • 34:20 How could the inner development goals serve your city?

More about Laila Martins:

Resources we mention:

Video of the conversation with Laila Martins

Watch the conversation here https://youtu.be/wNIozVEC85I

Door Erno Hannink

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