Positive change through sustainable capitalism – Aisha Williams

Vandaag het gesprek met Aisha Williams.

An entrepreneur, futurist, and sustainability activist, Aisha is dedicated to reimagining the future of impact and sustainability. She is the Founder and CEO of ImpactVest, an impact mission driven firm focused on creating an impact investing ecosystem that supports investors and startups to drive purposeful impact change. Aisha is on a mission to drive positive change through promoting sustainable capitalism and the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Aisha believes that impact investing is a catalyst for change across sectors, providing measurable social returns that support her vision of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient future.

We live in a capitalistic society where almost everything is about money. The financial markets are huge and have a lot of influence on business, governments and the people. Aisha wants to have an impact on the sustainable development goals and sees possibilities to do this with the financial markets. We discussed how we as individuals, companies and the government influence how the money flows, so you can also use it to realize improvements on the Sustainable development goals.

Enjoy the insights with Aisha.

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Meer over Aisha

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Video of the conversation with Aisha Williams

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