IDG practitioner

IDG practitioners are leaders, consultants, practitioners, researchers, and change agents that use the IDG Framework in organizations or systems to positively impact the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and complex societal challenges.

Join others in leadership development, education, business, impact investing, NGOs, international organizations, government, and UN to explore how we can strengthen our effectiveness in this challenging work.

Background: Inner Development Goals (IDGs) help organizations increase the effectiveness in their work toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by enhancing the inner skills and qualities needed. 

The IDGs help us as individuals, changemakers, and leaders by connecting the inner capacities needed to be fully present, authentic, and compassionate with the outer capabilities to sense the emerging future, align stakeholders, and innovate solutions that transform systems, mindsets, relationships, and actions!

Who should join: The practitioners’ network is for individuals worldwide working in or with organizations or systems in the practice of the IDG Framework. We are working on complex challenges where the solutions aren’t obvious, so we work with what’s emerging and learn as we go: 

  • To advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in some way
  • For systems change on social or environmental challenges
  • For organizational change with organizations working on the SDGs
  • For leadership development of those working on social or environmental challenges
  • For transformation within a sector, including inner and outer aspects.

Connect with a community to experiment, learn, and support each other, sharing how we use inner development as a pivot to outer transformation.

Join the Inner Development Goals group on LinkedIn and follow the Inner Development Goals.

Voor practitioners in Nederland, word lid van de IDG Nederland groep op LinkedIn.