Het ebook Embracing Twitter so it’ll embrace you back is echt heel gaaf geworden. Het heeft interessante bijdragen van meester bloggers en twitteraars als Chris Garrett en Liz Strauss.
De opmaak is ook heel mooi geworden.
Dit is mijn bijdrage in dit ebook:
Enkele uitspraken uit het boek:
When people ask me “why Twitter?” I often think to myself, why email? Why telephone? Why networking events? Why paper and pencil? Why talk?
Twitter is a communications hub that pulls together key features all of these media and extends them with the speed and reach of the Internet. The beauty of Twitter is in its simplicity and versatility. Keep your eyes on a Twitter stream
for a while, and you’ll find that the same kinds conversations occur between people, anywhere people gather.
How much time will it take? You need to manage your time, but the work that goes into holding conversations and building relationships on Twitter will take more of your time… not less. You can’t just spit out the occasional Tweet and expect solid results. Visibility means activity. To gain followers and potential business associates, you’ll need to spend time paying attention and making dialogue.
I also have what I call my ABC’s for earning attention from the people I follow:
• Ask questions. If they’re doing something that interests you, ask about it.
• Be nice. Don’t be pushy, give compliments, and provide good advice.
• Connect by relating the interests that you have in common with others.
The “free” aspect of social media, and of Twitter in particular, might sound appealing, but that
shortage of time can take some of the shine off, so to speak.Social media isn’t a lost cause for small businesses, though. In working with my consulting and coaching clients I’ve worked out that it’s definitely possible to get a great return on your investment of time in Twitter, if you make a habit of giving it 20 minutes of quality time every day.
Download het ebook Embracing Twitter…. so it’ll embrace you back (1.9 Mb PDF)
All editions of this book to date are offered to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported” license. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, or adapt this book in whole or in part, provided that you do so free of cost to any and all other parties, and provide full attribution of any excerpted authors.
Alle mensen die een bijdrage hebben geleverd aan het boek:
John Antonios (@johnantonios), Dave Barger (@lalunablanca), Bernie Borges (@berniebay), Mark Brimm (@MarkBrimm), Amy Domestico (@AmyBlogTalk), Antony Francis (@Antony511), Chris Garrett (@chrisgarrett), Phil Gerbyshak (@philgerb), Nathan Hangen (@nhangen), Erno Hannink (@ernohannink), Ben Henick (@bhenick), Misako Lauritzen (@mlauritzen), Michelle Mangen (@mmangen), Becky McCray (@BeckyMcCray), Justin McCullough (@mccJustin), Mike Merrill (@mikedmerrill), Stephanie Molina (@beaumartian), David Murray (@DaveMurr), Damond Nollan (@damondnollan), Kelly Olexa (@KellyOlexa), Amber Osborne (@missdestructo), Trey Pennington (@treypennington). Pieter van Osch (@pyotr), Michael Procopio (@michaelprocopio), William C. Reichard (@wreichard), Sheila Scarborough (@SheilaS), Jeff Shuey (@jshuey), John Stone (@JohnJStone), Mohammed Al-Taee (@maltaee), Kristie Wells (@kristiewells), and Brendan Wenzel (@BrendanWenzel).
Once again you get right to the heart of the issue! Thank you for the valuable nuggets of information and sharing the real deal about how Twitter can help you grow your business.
Thank you Stephanie. Why are you on Twitter?
I’m on Twitter to connect with new people, share cool resources, exchange ideas, build relationships, and learn new things.